How to Join

When you join Freemasonry, you join a band of brothers stretching from coast to coast and beyond. Knock on any Lodge door and you will be welcomed by men who, although you’ve never met, you can be sure share your values. What’s more, you will begin the Craft of becoming the best version of yourself, and open endless doors of self-enrichment and charity.


All Freemasons are held to the same standard and must be of good character and reputation to become and remain a member. Additionally, to join Ohio Freemasonry, you must first meet the following criteria:

  • Be a male at least 19 years old
  • Be an Ohio resident for at least six months
  • Be able to read and write English
  • Be prepared to profess a belief in Deity
  • Be of good reputation as a man of honor and integrity
  • Be recommended by two members of the lodge you wish to join
  • Be prepared to obtain a background check if requested


Joining a Masonic Lodge involves a series of steps, and the specific details can vary slightly depending on the jurisdiction and the lodge itself. However, here's a general overview of the steps you can expect from Stonecutter Lodge:

  1. Express Your Interest:

    If you're interested in joining a Masonic Lodge, start by expressing your interest to a Mason or the lodge itself. This can often be done through an online inquiry, email, or by attending public events hosted by the lodge. Additionally, Freemasonry generally requires that individuals join of their own free will and accord, without any form of coercion.

  2. Meet with Lodge Members:

    You'll be invited to meet with members of the lodge to discuss your interest in Freemasonry. This provides an opportunity for both you and the lodge members to get to know each other better.

  3. Petition for Membership:

    To formally apply for membership, you'll need to submit a written petition to the lodge. The petition typically includes personal information, such as your background, occupation, and reasons for wanting to join.

  4. Investigation and Committee Interview:

    After submitting your petition, the lodge will appoint a committee to investigate your background and meet with you. This committee aims to ensure that you meet the requirements for membership and that you understand the principles and values of Freemasonry. You'll also be asked to provide a background check which you can do here: Background Check

  5. Balloting:

    The lodge members will vote on your petition. Freemasonry values unanimous or near-unanimous agreement among its members, so the voting process is a crucial step in the admission process.

  6. Degrees:

    If your petition is accepted, you will be scheduled for an initiation ceremony. This ceremony is a symbolic and meaningful experience, introducing you to the principles, symbols, and traditions of Freemasonry. Freemasonry typically involves a progression through three symbolic degrees: Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft, and Master Mason. Each degree provides additional teachings and insights into the principles of Freemasonry.

  7. Participation and Involvement:

    As a newly initiated member, you're encouraged to participate in lodge activities, events, and rituals. This engagement allows you to deepen your understanding of Freemasonry and build connections with fellow members.

Discover the Path to Brotherhood

Explore the timeless principles of Freemasonry and embark on a journey of self-discovery, unity, and service. If you resonate with the values of Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth, and if you seek to join a community of like-minded individuals committed to personal growth and charitable endeavors, we invite you to take the first step.

Connect with us today to learn more about Stonecutter Lodge and how you can become a part of our enduring legacy. For inquiries, further information, or to express your interest, please contact us: